Photo Modeling - A Step-By-Step Guide For Photographers

By:Kathy Amarati

Before you approach a model for photo modeling, try this simple count-down before shooting.
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - click!

5 views which change the outline of the body as it turns (front, ¾ front, side, ¾ back, back).
4 limbs (two arms, two legs) which vary the basic silhouette with their placement.
3 'p's - (P)urpose, (P)rops and (P)osition of the Camera.
Three external influences for change.
2 tracks (shoulder and hip) which affect subtle changes in proportion and meaning.
1 body-line which varies by how much the head and leg-line bend the basic silhouette.

An example of a pose you may ask of your model is the 'C' shape, where she curves her body naturally, and lies down.

Horizontal 'C' Silhouette . . .
Before we examine this body line we should recognize the fact that it may appear with both ends up or with both ends down.

The count-down for varying the 'C', that is, the body curving naturally, long-line in these positions, could produce the following variations:

5 views were possible. We may restrict all positions to the side-view, relying upon other sources for variation.

4 limbs added much. Legs may repeat each other to help complete the 'C'. Arms may be varied to support objects or the body ...some extended, some repeated the body's line while others may add relaxation or expression.

3 important 'P's. Props may include a rounded mound, a hammock, a springboard, a step and the floor. Position of the camera... raised, lowered. Purpose of the panel was to show the horizontal 'C' in side-view only.

2 tracks - show shoulder and hip change.

1 body-line - curve may remain approximately the same in each picture with the head and leg lines angled in inverse proportion to maintain it.

The 'C' is an easy line to work with, for the body bends naturally at the waist with the head forming one end of the curve and the show-leg (non-supporting leg) completing it. Its flowing line puts movement in a picture even when the action of the subject is restricted to repose.

from basic horizontal body-lines and can surpass the vertical and diagonal positions in variety since both the legs and the arms when used in photo modeling are free to multiply arrangements.

Every picture made is subject to limitations of many kinds; poor props, improper lighting, lack of time, wrong equipment, problem backgrounds, client, layout, etc. Whatever the conditions may be, however, that impose restrictions and close the door on any one position of the human body, several variations will always be available when you try the count down ...

5 views (through which the contour of the body can be changed as it turns by degrees from its slender side view to its broadest full-front or back view).

4 limbs (which can conform to the attitude or line the body has established or can oppose that line and add emphasis or interest. Limbs can be used to correlate the body's relationship to other parts of the picture).

3 'p's (Purpose, Props and Position of Camera) which are the important external elements that add to the final appraisal of the picture. Purpose must be established - it's like taking aim. Props must be selected for utility or artistry or significance. Position of Camera must take advantage of all technical and physical considerations relevant to a good picture.

2 tracks (shoulder and hip) offer subtle and vast opportunity for body change. Explore them!

1 body-line (which can be varied in any of its nine basic positions by increasing, decreasing or reversing its curves).

Remember, when one of the above suggestions becomes an invariable, it is time for another variation to enter your picture. Have you experimented with the changes that become possible through count down number 2, for example? Have you tried varying hip and shoulder tracks for different effects?

Use this technique to provide yourself with endless ideas for fabulous pictures when involved in a session of photo modeling.

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